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Returns a dictionary with a summary of cross sectional properties for the shape defined by the input boundary points.

points : array

An array of (x, y) coordinates of shape (N, 2).

area : float

The cross sectional area.

x, y : float

The x and y centroid coordinates.

interia_x, inertia_y : float

The moment of inertias about the x and y axes.

inertia_j : float

The polar moment of inertia.

inertia_xy : float

The product of inertia.

inertia_z : float

The moment of inertias about the weak principal axis.

gyradius_x, gyradius_y : float

The radii of gyrations about the x and y axes.

gyradius_z : float

The radii of gyrations about the weak principal axis.

elast_sect_mod_x, elast_sect_mod_y : float

The elastic section modulii about the x and y axes.

elast_sect_mod_z : float

The elastic section modulus about the weak principal axis.