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xsect.calc.multi_plot_section(add, subtract=[], ax=None, title='', symbols={})[source]

Plots a cross section consisting of multiple shapes.

add : list

A list of (x, y) boundary coordinates for shapes included in the cross section. Each set of boundary coordinates should be of the shape (N, 2).

subtract : list

A list of (x, y) boundary coordinates for cut out shapes to be subtracted from the cross section. Each set of boundary coordinates should be of the shape (N, 2).

ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes

The axes to which the plot will be added. If None, a new figure and axes will be created.

title : str

The title of the figure.

symbols : dict

A dictionary of symbols to use for the plot. Valid keys are:

  • add: The boundary lines for included shapes, default is ‘b-‘.
  • subtract: The boundary lines for subtracted shapes, default is ‘r-‘
  • centroid: The centroid point, default is ‘r+’.
  • primary_axes: The primary axes lines, default is ‘g-.’
  • principal_axes: The pricipal axes lines, default is ‘m-.’