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xsect.calc.multi_inertias(add, subtract=[], origin=None)[source]

Calculates the area moment of inertias for cross sections including multiple shapes. Returns an array of shape (4,).

add : list

A list of (x, y) boundary coordinates for shapes included in the cross section. Each set of boundary coordinates should be of the shape (N, 2).

subtract : list

A list of (x, y) boundary coordinates for cut out shapes to be subtracted from the cross section. Each set of boundary coordinates should be of the shape (N, 2).

origin : array

The (x, y) origin about which the moment of inertias will be calculated. The array should be of the shape (2,). If None, the origin will be assumed to be located at the centroid of the section.

inertia_x : float

The moment of inertia about the x-axis.

inertia_y : float

The moment of inertia about the y-axis.

inertia_j : float

The polar moment of inertia.

inertia_xy : float

The product of inertia.