Data (

The data submodule contains functions used for acquiring data from the package database.

Database Sources

The properties contained in the SQLite database are acquired from the following sources:

AISC Shapes

The database includes steel shapes from the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), which were taken from the below publicly available locations. For variable descriptions, please consult the README included with their data.

Database Query Functions

Contains methods for accessing AISC shape information from the database.

filter_aisc(conditions[, order, columns, …]) Returns a dataframe with the data for the specified AISC steel shape database query.
query_aisc(name[, metric, version]) Queries the AISC steel shape database and returns a dictionary of the result.
query_aisc_shapes([shape, metric, version]) Queries the AISC steel shape database and returns a list of the shape names in the specified shape category.

Building the Database

Developers adding or modifying data in the database should modify the file in the data submodule. Files on which this script depend should be hosted at permanent publicly available location, e.g. a Google Sheets document.

During development, this script may be run to rebuild the database completely from scratch by running the following command from the root directory:

python xsect/data/

The database itself should be included with all package distributions such that the end user does not need to build the database themselves.