Source code for

import re
import pandas as pd
from .config_db import DB_CONNECTION

__all__ = [

def original_names(names):
    Returns the original names.

    names : list
        A list of string names.
    if len(names) > 0 and isinstance(names[0], (list, tuple)):
        names = [x[0] for x in names]

    return [re.sub('_+$', '', x) for x in names]

def _aisc_table(metric, version):
    Returns the name of the AISC table matching the criteria.

    metric : bool
        If True, searches for the name in the metric shape database. Otherwise,
        searches for the name in the imperial shape database.
    version : {'15.0'}
        The version of the shape database to query. If None, the latest version
        will be used.
    if version is None:
        # Use the latest version
        version = '15.0'

    # Return the name of the version table
    if version == '15.0':
        if metric:
            return 'aisc_metric_15_0'
            return 'aisc_imperial_15_0'

        raise ValueError('Version {!r} not found.'.format(version))

[docs]def query_aisc(name, metric=False, version=None): """ Queries the AISC steel shape database and returns a dictionary of the result. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the member. metric : bool If True, searches for the name in the metric shape database. Otherwise, searches for the name in the imperial shape database. version : {'15.0'} The version of the shape database to query. If None, the latest version will be used. """ name = name.upper() table = _aisc_table(metric, version) statement = "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE UPPER(name)='{}';".format(table, name) cursor = DB_CONNECTION.execute(statement) header = original_names(cursor.description) row = cursor.fetchone() if not row: raise ValueError('Shape {} not found.'.format(name)) odict = {k: x for k, x in zip(header, row) if x is not None} return odict
[docs]def query_aisc_shapes(shape=None, metric=False, version=None): """ Queries the AISC steel shape database and returns a list of the shape names in the specified shape category. Parameters ---------- shape : str The shape for which names will be returned. If None, all shape names will be returned. metric : bool If True, searches for the name in the metric shape database. Otherwise, searches for the name in the imperial shape database. version : {'15.0'} The version of the shape database to query. If None, the latest version will be used. """ table = _aisc_table(metric, version) if shape is None: statement = "SELECT name FROM {};".format(table) else: shape = shape.upper() statement = "SELECT name FROM {} WHERE UPPER(type)='{}';".format(table, shape) cursor = DB_CONNECTION.execute(statement) return cursor.fetchall()
[docs]def filter_aisc(conditions, order=[], columns=[], metric=False, version=None): """ Returns a dataframe with the data for the specified AISC steel shape database query. Parameters ---------- conditions : list A list of condition strings to apply to the query. order : list of str Column names for ordering data. If none specified, no ordering will be applied. columns : list of str Column names to include in result. If none specified, all will be returned. Examples -------- >>> filter_aisc(["type='L'", 'area>28'], order=['area'], columns=['name', 'area']) name area 0 L12X12X1-1/4 28.4 1 L12X12X1-3/8 31.1 """ table = _aisc_table(metric, version) where = ' AND '.join(conditions) order = 'ORDER BY {}'.format(', '.join(order)) if order else '' columns = ', '.join(columns) if columns else '*' statement = "SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {} {};".format(columns, table, where, order) cursor = DB_CONNECTION.execute(statement) header = original_names(cursor.description) df = pd.DataFrame(cursor.fetchall(), columns=header) return df